Sample Flat : GPL plans to launch the Sample flat on 5th Oct - during the navratra period and plan to have a lauch party on 4th Oct (I may be a couple of days off but this is what I gather). I am not sure if I am going to be in town, but if I am I will not miss that get-together. I think that will be a great opportunity for some of us to meet in person and share our perspectives, thoughts or concerns.

Pictures Courtesy - Amitabh Sagar (blogger and and end user). Amitabh thanks so much for these pics.
Non Payment of 3rd installment : GPL is sending out reminders with interest due for those who haven't made the 3rd installment.
Getting to know each other : I have this crazy thought and let me know what you guys feel. I know each one of us is busy, travels a lot or based in a location other than NCR. So I was thinking if it'd make sense for us to organize a get-together at a common location (Gurgaon) and catch up on coffee or a beer (obviously I am not hosting it :) it's gotta be self funded)...let me know what you all think and we can work this out...
Thanks. As always appreciate your participation
PS - I still haven't gotten a chance to see the site, if any one of you has feel free to send me pics that I can upload and/or leave comments with the most current status.