Friday, June 7, 2013

it's about time...and the DELAY IS NOT OK ANYMORE

2007 november - i didnt think i'll still be waiting for possession. GPL management its about time you stick to your commitments regarding delivery. I still remember when we first met Guptas at their office - the timeline to delivery was 3 years. I was realistic and thought 1year + should be ok but now ITS NOT OK.

First thing first  - Possession and livability within GPL.

1. GPL folks must start giving possession tower by tower - and ensure that each tower has its management and is livable.

2. the issue of possession has been dragging for very long time and many folks are running out of patience.

3. We all have lost significant rental and EMI interest on this project and yet there is no sign of SPR connectivity, water, electricity etc

What the end users would like

1. transparency on dates?
2. what does possession mean - what will it include and what will it not? (pre - possession letters dont mean much to us)
3. When will the society be formed?
4. What is ongoing maintenance model to ensure - Eden heights is per what was sold to us.

I am still optimistic but really frustrated with lack of concrete timelines been given. Glad to have a large group of Eden heights end users who are equally passionate about this subject and driving the agenda



Himanshu Singh said...

I had some serious discussion with GPL management about delivery dates and extra charges they are planning for. Though there was not much reliable about delivery dates but it seems that there is a big amount as extra charges coming our way. Though they have confirmed no escalation in super areas but at least 150-200 rs/sqft is minimum extra charges they are planning for.

Is this the time when we meet builder in a group and try pressurizing them for delivery, as still finishing work, internal roads, Gardens, shops and lot more is pending. Tulip Orange for which construction was started 2 years after is far ahead of us and are really close to delivery.

Himanshu Singh said...
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Have the Pre-Possession letters been issued?
Is there are a joint meeting being planned with the promoters in the coming weeks?

Himanshu Singh said...

Do we have any facebook or google group, as I am not able to find any. Please guide.

Anish said...
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Anish said...

Dear Vik
I am new here, could you please post the facebook group name/link? Unable to find one, it might be a closed group. Thank you!

Anish said...
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Seema said...

Is there any meeting being planned with GPL management ? I believe we all should participate in the meeting and escalate this concern unanimously.

Unknown said...

I just had a chat with Mr Rohit Harbola - GM and he is indicating a pre possession letters will be given by November . This is ridiculous as only 2 weeks ago they were promising by 31st july. I am all for getting together and meeting Mr Gupta . My no is 9810334515

Himanshu Singh said...

Hi Guys,
I am not able to find any group for GPL Eden Heights anywhere on net apart from this forum, request all the members here to contact or send there contact no @ 8285687615. So that we can frame a group and discuss what matters with GPL. We have seen a lot of delay already, it is time to try in group rather than trying on our own and show our strength as group to GPL.

Himanshu Singh

Unknown said...

Hi Himanshu,

As discussed on phone.I met mr Gupta on 7th August and he also confirmed that letters will not be given in the next 2-3 months. He cited lack of water, sewerage and electricity which is the responsibility of the civic authorities for the delay. I argued that similar situation prevails at other places also and they have go ahead to give possession. I gave him our own example where as residents we had to face a few issues for the first 5-6 months but then these were settled . So he needs to look at providing solutions rather than saying that the delay is due to civic authorities. I also offered that in case we as customers can help somewhere , we will try to do so but they have to tell us what help they want.

We will need to get together fast and start putting pressure otherwise I donot feel confident even for November

Himanshu Singh said...

Guys any one else interested in sharing there nos, as it is getting very important to frame a group and talk to GPL regarding our concerns.

Himanshu Singh

Anish said...

We were really shocked to hear this. 2 weeks back when we visited GPL office, it was confirmed that we would get the letter by 15 August. We were told that the water connection and everything will be taken care by the builder. The reason given to us for this extension is no proper internal roads. I have a feeling that they are waiting for the mint tower completion.

I have created a new Facebook group, it will be easier for us to connect.

Prerna said...

would like to know regarding the problem of water supply and electricity, has it been cleared by the government for GPL Eden Heights, as I have heard that the civic authorities has a big role in giving clearances here, have they got all clearances regarding roads, water supply etc...

Prerna said...

would like to know regarding the problem of water supply and electricity, has it been cleared by the government for GPL Eden Heights, as I have heard that the civic authorities has a big role in giving clearances here, have they got all clearances regarding roads, water supply etc...

Jitu said...

We are tired, too, of the promises made by GPL team for the past two years. This failure on delivery is putting a lot of pressure on us with no respite on rentals and EMI.

We need to take decision on how we want to approach this and if need arises seek legal course.

I am keen to be part of the group to be formed.

My number is 9811500855

Himanshu Singh said...

Hi Guys,
Sorry for all the delay, as told to few members earlier I was out of Gurgaon for last 2 weeks. And now without delaying our task I would start calling members I was able to get contacts of to fix a date and time for the meeting.

Plan is to first meet at a neutral venue where we all can decide upon primary goals and discussion points with GPL management and then have a meeting with GPL management at their corporate office, we can further plan for two different dates for these tasks or one with different time. We would discuss this over phone, and if I miss someone in next two days please feel free to call me at 8285687615.

Himanshu Singh

Alok said...

Hi, This is Alok and I am new to this group and has a flat booked with GPL. I have been doing followups on my own and was not aware of the group/blog or facebook page. Pls include me too in the group and my contact no is 9650205786.

Unknown said...

Hi guys I am Atul. Even I want to be part of the discussions with builder... my contact no is 9871186316

Himanshu Singh said...

Hi all.. a meeting has been scheduled with the GPL management for tomorrow i.e. Friday 11th Oct at 12pm at their office in Gurgaon.. Request you to text or call me if you are interested to join!
My number is 8285687615..

Unknown said...


This is Anand and I am new to this group Pls include me too in the group and my contact no is 9871263366

Unknown said...

This is Anand and I am new to this group . Pls include me too in the group and my contact no is 9871263366.

Abhi said...

Hi... Any news on exactly when they are going to release the possession letter??

Abhijit said...

Hi Guys:

Any idea on when we can expect to start living in our own house?? The project seems to be a never ending story now with the possession date being more elusive!

Unknown said...

I am new to this group. Please include me in the group. My number is 98 10 798262

arindam.kunar said...

Dear All-serious serious problem! We need to activate this site and get together!!!
GPL is charging loads of extra at the time of possesion which was just not expected and not fair
We need to fight this out