Saturday, March 29, 2008

Folks - Great News (other than the pictures posted below) All the floor plans are now "APPROVED" and GPL has also gotten the environment clearance for the project. Which means that the project is on full swing. Before I talk more about the project - I spent a good 45 minutes at the site and driving around near by areas and I saw significant development. DLF is formally coming up with a project very close to Eden heights, its said that Unitech (which has land all around Eden Heights) are launching their project in April/May and just a KM before GPL Eden Heights I saw big hoarding for Tulip (18 acre 3-4 BHK Luxurious apartments) and all these projects are expected to be priced around 3000+ ... I know you are excited to hear about Eden Heights - So here it is - Sample Flat construction is in full swing : They are creating 2 sample flats 2150 and 2190 and 2150 will be ready by last week of April and by the looks of it and the pace at which work is going on I think I'll agree. I took quite a few pictures giving different perspective so enjoy!!!!

View from the guest bedroom of 2150

Vier from the master bedroom of 2150
Perspective from out side of 2150 master bedroom (above)

PIC 1 - Approach perspective of the 2150/2190 sqft sample flat
PIC 2 - an angry man standing at the Foyer of 2150 sqft flat
PIC 3 - The site manager 'amit' in front of the 2150 Mast bed room and the guest bedroom

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quick note on the latest and the greatest

So here's the latest and the greatest that I heard from GPL

1. Folks from GPL have gone to Chandigarh to get the approvals (so it should be with them any time)

2. When the approvals come in they will send customers (read ~ us) update if any, around layout plans, house design etc...if the super area increases that means additional $$ :o)

3. Sample flat is all done up - like walls and all, but the plastering and touching up is expected to begin in April, I plan to visit the site this weekend and publish some recent pics

4. As soon as sample flat is ready, they plan to jack up the prices - what i heard was RS3500/- psqft - which to me is very unlikely given the market scenario - but Hey!!! am i complaining - absolutely not. If i put 3500 in the colum in my calculator spreadsheet - i am seeing profits (notional :)) -

anyway more to come...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Eden Heights - Payment Calculator (Construction link plan only)

The hardest thing after you have decided to buy a house is to do all the mathematics around it. The payment due dates, the payments itself, loan, prevailing market value (to feel good if the market is upbeat :).) etc etc...I put this simple spreadsheet to manage my payments to GPL. The spreadsheet has basic formulas etc...

Since I couldn't upload the spreadsheet that you could simply download - I imported it to the google online spreadsheet with forumlas...anyway this is not the best but a basic planner - if there is a spreadsheet wizard out there who has a better version and willing to share pls let us all know - we will be more than willing to take any help to manage our finances better..

Thank you. I am thinking on visiting the GPL site this sunday i.e. 16th march else the coming hope to have more pics. Pls let me know if there are any specific things you'd like for me to check when I visit the site..

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Home Loan Approval Letter and Layout Approval

I am not sure if all of you have received a courier from GPL with a subject "Home Loan Approvals" - I received this letter on 4th March and what was interesting about this letter was
  1. It stated that the 3rd payment will be due at this time
  • The letter also stated that as per Construction linked plan the 3rd payment is likely to be due - so I called the GPL rep and confirmed. They stated that the approvals have come thru and formally they will receive the letters next week (I will update the post when i hear that confirmation too).

  • Secondly, GPL plans to begin allotment of houses and therefore this letter was sent so that customers can arrange funds either via loans or whatever means they may have as the formal payment letters will be sent to us by mid of April with end of april as due date for making such payments.

2. For some strange reason I still don't see any private banks offering loans for this project - maybe after GPL has the formal approval letters in hand - we will see private banks begining to fund.

3. Also what would be interesting to see (after apporvals are in place) what changes GPL makes to the 2150 and 2190 sqft 3BHK + servant houses. I heard a few months back that the super area of the house is set to increase by 40-50sqft as they plan to add a store cum puja room in the 3BHK offer...(which also means additional payment from us...)

I appreciate you all taking to visit this blog and build the Eden Heights community...hopefully we will all get a chance to meet (when the sample flat is ready...)

Happy Sunday!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sample Flat expectations

A lot of investors like me are banking on the quality and standard that GPL folks promised to deliver so - wanted to share what my expectations would be :) (a little too premature but worth making myself heard and if somethings can be incorporated - its gonna benefit all of the end users of Eden Heights.

1. The quality of anodized aluminiums frames - Almost every builder brochure brags about this but usually the product users end up with is sub standard - look at Park View 1,2, uniworld garden, Nirvana etc for bad examples. However - if you get a chance to look at the Fresco/Close sample flats in the nirvana county - you will know what i am referring too - the aluminium frame,glass quality and the door handles on those frames are excellent I hope thats what Eden Garden procures for this project.

2. The Wooden Doors - I haven't seen good quality doors but Palm Springs sample flat had some very good wooden doors

3. Wooden flooring - If you look at Park View, Close, is almost terrifying (looks like plastic lamination pasted on concrete) - I hope the ones that will be used in Eden heights are of good quality - some examples can be found here

4. Door handles and latches - Close and Palm Drive/springs would take the cake again

I know some of you would say that palm spring comes at a premium and I totally understand that but these are my wish list you know it as much as me that these small adjustments to the specifications go a long way to build credibily of the brand. So I hope Sandeep you get a chance to read this. i'd love to see the sample flat with these specifications (which hopefully would be standard feature :) - but then I am a very demanding customer afterall - i am not buying the house to sell - I am buying a property that i'd like to live in...


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Eden Heights - Sample Flat construction in full swing

HERE ARE PICTURES THAT I TOOK on 2nd March and promise to keep updating this site if you think this is helpful. Hopefully a few years down the line if we were to trace back to the development of this project. Pictures taken by my blackberry camera so please excuse the quality (those who use blackberry can empathize with me).

View from my car - just approaching Eden Heights
View from within the Site
I finally took sometime out and visited the GPL site and it has changed considerably since I first visited (and this is encouraging) - When I first went there all i saw admist the GPL flags is farm land and now there is a site office (which still needs much upgradation, power etc...but I was happy to see some very good progress of the Sample Flat

  • The foundation had been laid

  • The sample flat took some shape - you can guess the entrances, rooms etc but still long way to go (approx 2 months before it gets completec (thats my guess)

  • There were many workers on the site but no site manager (guess its a Sunday)

  • The one funny thing I noticed - everytime I visited the site the security guard is new and that is coincidently his first day at work so he usually doesn't know much...

So here you go..attaching some pics

Eden Heights - Preface

Welcome to the Eden Heights - End user forum - if you go by the name - the "end user" words are purposely chosen to invite ONLY end users the GPL eden heights property. And I am one of them - I have sometimes also posted my comments on but that didn't give exclusivity to property and things relating to this property where many of us are investing loads of money. The purpose of this forum is to create many editors (whoever gets a chance to have an update on the status of the project), publish latest and the greatest about the property. I also plan invite Gupta promoters (sandeep gupta) to respond on this forum - will bounce this idea with him too when I meet him next.
About me...I have been in Gurgaon for a couple of years and almost invested in a property in december 06 (when we would more often than not hear from brokers that property prices were growing at 100rspsf per month and had I invested then the property (BPTP freedom park life) wouold now have been approximately Rs5000/sf whereas its now 2800 (give or take a few 100) anyway...i am glad I waited and had a good discussion with Mr KL Gupta and Sandeep Gupta - which convinced me to invest in this new venture of theirs. While like most of you even I had my concerns of this group being new blah blah...but i liked their plans, enthusiasm and transparency. Infact, the Guptas encouraged me to talk to the architects of Eden Heights too for clarifications I needed...and I did do my due diligence. So in this cluttered market of Gurgaon where DLF, Unitech, Omax dominate - i decided to invest in GPL

I will not talk about the rate at which I got the property but since I booked it Nov - i got the early bird pricing and some discounts by directly dealing with the developers (some say that I would have saved some money had I gone thru a broker ...anyway that wasn;t too be) and I dont have much faith in the property agents here (who if you look at the property times still haven't revised the rates of the rentals, sale etc...). So a very WARM WELCOME to alll of you........happy posting