Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sample Flat Review

I have been caught up with a couple of things..had my second child (a baby boy on 11th oct), that kept me busy for a few days and thenI have been sleep deprived and very recently running high fever. Today I musterd courage to drive up to the sample flat and here are my observations

1. The sample flat exceeded expectations (due to all the fancy interiors). Without the interiors - I cant comment
2. Really liked the quality of wodden flooring in both the bedrooms
3. Kitchen - thought a little small had nice granitie ( or granite like stuff), hob, chimney. I think the modules can have more advanced storage spaces
4. The aluminium doors - excellent quality.
5. Balcony - awesome. Sometimes I wonder if they could have reduced the width of the balcony from 6FT to 5 on both sides and increased the inside space without compromizing on area
5. Use of space just after the living/dining room was nice.
6. The anodized aluminium frame doors in room had only 2 slide panels..what this means is that you cannot put a wire mesh door if you liked. I'd recomment GPL to add 3 slide panel frame (customers like us can get the wire mesh door put if need - but the option should be provided)
7. bath fixtures were ok.
8. The sample flat has a lustor paining while a raw would have acrylic paint
9. I didn't quite like the green tiles in one of the bathrooms
10. I was never a fan of wall papers in india but the wall papers were really neat..
11. In-house doors were absent so i am not sure what type are they using

WHAT changes will i make if i get a raw house
1. get lustor painting done - may be use wall papers
2. get "grohe" or "rocha" bath fixtures
3. get an electronic shower panel put in the master bath.
4. Marble flooring in all rooms and keep the wodden in bedrooms
5. Get a wire mesh on all doors and windows (aleast 1 in each room)
6. upgrade the modular kitchen
needless to say some interior work...

Pics were not permitted - though I had my camera and many opportunities to take pics - I didn't. GPL will be sending us CD with a pictures.

What do you have to say?


Samir said...

Hey Vik...Would you pls. tell us what's the progress on ground ? and what do you think when they will be able to finish the project?

Samir said...

Here is link to actual sample flat =>

Unknown said...

Happy Diwali folks!!

Samir thanks for pointing us to the pics. The diging work is under way and looks like there has been significant progress on the ground.

I had some folks visiting me yesterday (i.e. on Diwali) who were also interested in eden heights so I visited the sample flat again.

The ongoing up keep of the sample flat wasn't that great...many walls (living room, guest bedroom) have super seepage ...while the overall package looks nice - the folks who visited with me were disappointed at the sight of the wet interior walls.

Happy diwali folks - cheers!!!

Amit Sangar said...

I was in India last month and signed the agreement.
One thing I was interested was the booking status in current market. I was little disappointed to note that GPL is little behind on booking.

They were offering discount and free AC for new buyers.
I did not like this at all. They should reward the original buyers with this offer also.

I have investment in another project in Gurgaon also. I have seen a better response from builder and appreciation with them.

Secondly, I was sad to see the infrastructure (or lack of) in Gurgaon. In month of September, the main roads were unapassable due to water clogging in main Gurgaon city. My gaon has better infrastructure than Gurgaon.
I may be was too optimistic in 2007.
I look forward to better trip next year. -AS

wefirstmeridian said...

Dear all,

I took my guests to the flat yesterday so that they can also become our neighbors. At the end of the day if the project is not booked and cash flow is not there we will see delay in delivery.

I feel its our collective responsibility ( efforts ) to enable GPL to deliver this project with desired quality in agreed timeframe.

Honestly speaking, I found the upkeep even better than the day one, it was looking more beautiful to me.

Samir said...

Hey you know what's the progress on ground and when is 4th installment due?

Samir said...

I had a discussion with GPL folks last night. Here is the update:-

1. Basment casting will start in the month of Jan 2009. ie call for 4th installment.

2. The AC deal was on for one week as a Diwali offer if you buy 1,2 or 3 floor only.

3. They have good cash in their hands and project is moving as planned.

4. They are concern on current real estate market but they seem to be confident and immune to the slow down for now.

5. They feel they are making better progress than other projects started on same time.

Unknown said...

Samir thanks for the update..I know i have been slow on the blog but glad you filled us in.

The one thing to note about the 4th installment - it will be based on the raft specific to the tower. for example if you have your flat in Tower I and thats the first to get the basement raft then you will receive a letter for 4th installment and not till all basement raft is completed.. good (beacuse your tower is moving along) - bad (you pay first and lose interest)


Unknown said...

I heard that, we need to pay 150 to 200 per sq ft more for EDC-IDC, as HUDA has increased the same for around 100%. Spoken to Rakesh of GPL as per him they are going to send the letters with in 10-15 days after getting the actual confirmation.

I think its a big HIT for all of us when even real-Estate buisness is also not in a good conditions.